DeepSID is an online SID player for the High Voltage SID Collection and
more. It plays music created for the Commodore 64 home computer. Click any of the folder items below to start browsing the collection.
If the playback is choppy, try increasing the buffer size. Smaller values mean faster and
smoother updating (1024 is the lowest possible) but also require a fast computer with a nifty web browser.
The piano is always updated as fast as possible when using the normal WebSid emulator, regardless of buffer
size. However, larger buffer sizes may introduce flickering notes. Decrease the buffer size to avoid this.
The top right waveform legend explains the colors of notes on the keyboards. Red is pulse,
green is triangle and blue is sawtooth. Gray is noise. Waveforms may be combined, but 31, 61
and 71 are only audible on the 8580 SID chip.
The numbers above the bars are hexadecimal.
Pulse width has 12 bits and goes from 0 to 4095.
The triangle indicates that it's most audible in the middle. The filter cutoff has 11 bits
and thus goes from 0 to 2047.
The small yellow bar is the filter resonance. It can go from 0 to 15 (maximum resonance).
Resonance is a peaking effect which emphasizes frequency components at the cutoff frequency
of the filter, causing a sharper sound.
RM is ring modulation (non-harmonic overtones) and HS is hard synchronization (complex
harmonic structures). Both effects require two voices – the previous voice as the
carrier and the current voice as the modulator.
Sometimes the use of gate bit (i.e. when the piano key is depressed then later released) make
notes too quick to sense, or it may in some cases even hide them. Turning it off with the
toggle button in top can amend this.
Click the green buttons to toggle voices ON or OFF. You can also type
1, 2 and 3 or alternatively q, w
and e. (You can also use 4 and r for digi if you are using
legacy WebSid, but it is not reflected on this page.)
2SID and 3SID tunes are supported. Each keyboard will automatically combine
to host an entire chip (i.e. 3 voices). The square voice buttons will toggle entire SID
chips ON or OFF when playing these types of tunes.
If you want to "solo" a voice/chip, hold down Shift while pressing the hotkey.
You need one of theseDecrease if too slow
Player size
Load address
Init address
Play address
Default subtune
SID file type
Pace (Speed)
SID model
SID addresses
Zero Page $0000-$00FF
Player Block
Voice 1
Voice 2
Voice 3
Probably uses vibrato (or slide)0000
Repeatedly changes pulse width0000
Uses $1x waveform (triangle)
Uses $2x waveform (sawtooth)
Uses $3x waveform (tri+saw)
Uses $4x waveform (pulse)
Uses $5x waveform (tri+pulse)
Uses $6x waveform (saw+pulse)
Uses $7x waveform (tri+saw+pulse)
Uses $8x waveform (noise)
Uses the test bit
Uses an illegal waveform
Uses hard synchronization
Uses ring modulation
Uses both combined
Repeatedly changes the ADSR0000
Probably uses vibrato (or slide)0000
Repeatedly changes pulse width0000
Uses $1x waveform (triangle)
Uses $2x waveform (sawtooth)
Uses $3x waveform (tri+saw)
Uses $4x waveform (pulse)
Uses $5x waveform (tri+pulse)
Uses $6x waveform (saw+pulse)
Uses $7x waveform (tri+saw+pulse)
Uses $8x waveform (noise)
Uses the test bit
Uses an illegal waveform
Uses hard synchronization
Uses ring modulation
Uses both combined
Repeatedly changes the ADSR0000
Probably uses vibrato (or slide)0000
Repeatedly changes pulse width0000
Uses $1x waveform (triangle)
Uses $2x waveform (sawtooth)
Uses $3x waveform (tri+saw)
Uses $4x waveform (pulse)
Uses $5x waveform (tri+pulse)
Uses $6x waveform (saw+pulse)
Uses $7x waveform (tri+saw+pulse)
Uses $8x waveform (noise)
Uses the test bit
Uses an illegal waveform
Uses hard synchronization
Uses ring modulation
Uses both combined
Repeatedly changes the ADSR0000
Repeatedly changes filter cutoff0000
Uses filtering in voice 1
Uses filtering in voice 2
Uses filtering in voice 3
Repeatedly changes filter resonance0000
Uses resonance values other than 0 or F
Repeatedly changes volume0000
Uses $1x filter mode (Low-Pass)
Uses $2x filter mode (Band-Pass)
Uses $3x filter mode (LP+BP)
Uses $4x filter mode (High-Pass)
Uses $5x filter mode (LP+HP)
Uses $6x filter mode (BP+HP)
Uses $7x filter mode (LP+BP+HP)
Mutes voice 3
Sets the external input bit
Use the smallest buffer size (1024) for best effect. Especially the vibrato detector needs this.
Lines detecting repeated changes typically requires about four unique values to occur.
Using illegal waveform to lock noise, then unlock it with test bit, can be used to create unique sounds.
Only the first SID chip is examined.
Recommended Folder
Michał Brzeski
MCH / Michu
95 songs
Recommended Folder
Tobias Göhlke
53 songs
Click here
to visit a random
composer folder of a
decent quality or better
This tab will show release lists and pages from CSDb as you click SID files.
CSDb, short for The Commodore
64 Scene Database, is the largest and most comprehensive database about C64 releases
pertaining to the demo scene. It's where all the cool dudes go to hang out.
If available, this tab will show information about the editor/player that made the song.
STIL / Lyrics
This tab will sometimes show one of two things depending on the SID collection you're browsing.
It will display the same contents as the first tab in the box just above the player controls.
If you're clicking a song in the High Voltage SID Collection that has a STIL entry, this will be
shown here as well as in the box. Any sub tunes mentioned have green buttons that you can click.
STIL stands for SID Tune Information List and contains information beyond the standard
TITLE, AUTHOR, and RELEASED fields. This includes cover information,
interesting facts, useless trivia, comments by the composers themselves, etc. The STIL, though,
is limited to factual data and does not try to provide an encyclopedia about every original artist.
For more information about STIL, please refer to this FAQ.
If you're clicking a song in Compute's Gazette SID Collection that has lyrics, this will
be shown here and in the box.
Technically, lyrics are always added in a separate WDS file that accompanies the MUS file that
contains the actual music data. However, not all MUS files have a WDS file. Roughly one third
of the MUS files in the collection have lyrics.
If you click a SID file that has been remixed into modern forms, this tab will show
those entries from Remix64.
Remix64 is a portal to the unified world
of Commodore 64 and Amiga music remixing, containing news, reviews, charts and chat. Remixes
can be uploaded and rated here. It's maintained by Markus Klein, also known as
If you register and log in, you can adjust your settings here.
DeepSID is an online SID player that can play music originally composed for the
Commodore 64, a home computer
that was very popular back in the 80's and 90's. This computer had an amazing sound chip
called SID.
The SID chip was really ahead of its time. Although it only had 3 voices, it offered
oscillators of 8 octaves, ADSR, four waveforms, pulse width modulation, multi mode filtering,
ring modulation, and hard synchronization. It really was like a tiny synthesizer, and you
could even make it play digi samples along with the SID voices.
reSID engine (used by WebSidPlay and JSIDPlay2) by Dag Lem
SidTune work by Michael Schwendt
Main libsidplay2 code by Simon White
Distortion Simulation by Antti Lankila
Code refactoring by Leandro Nini
The images for composer profiles come from all over the internet. I have tried
to be fair and not use images that the composer did not already have available on a personal
web site, social media, interview, or another public place.
Most are publically available profile images from Facebook or LinkedIn.
A lot of older retro images (typically lo-res) are from the musicians photos download at GameBase64.
Some were originally taken by Andreas Wallström (
And several other places I can't remember anymore.
If you feel you should be credited, let me know and I will add you to this section. Also, if
you don't like an image of you here, just let me know and I will of course remove it. You are
also welcome to send me a replacement image.
The user name and password boxes are used for both registering and logging in. To register,
just type the user name you want. If it is available (a status message tells you) then type a
password and hit the button.
The annex box also has information about what you can do when logged in: Registering
Can you please make an app or an offline version?
I wanted to make an awesome online web player for SID tunes and I believe I have accomplished
that. It was never my intention to make an app or an offline player. An online player gives me
immediate access to e.g. HVSC and CGSC without having to download anything first. Just
everything ready to play, search through and rate no matter if I'm on my desktop, on my iPhone
or on my iPad.
However, it's possible to use an offline player with DeepSID. Just select the
Download option in the top drop-down box and start clicking rows. Make sure you
associate your offline player with automatically playing the tunes.
Where did the audio handlers for SOASC go?
The audio handlers for Stone Oakvalley's Authentic SID Collection were removed in September 2020.
The connections to these real-time recordings were always spotty at best and later the reaction
times also became painfully slow.
I have repeatedly tried to fix the reaction times to no avail. It's a shame having to leave this
library behind as it would have been nice with real-time recordings to complement the emulations,
but I finally decided that the quality of the SOASC implementation was inadequate for DeepSID.
It was removed in late November 2020 together with all of its script code. It affected the performance
of DeepSID, especially when triggering new SID tunes. Because this comment system was already rarely
used by users, I decided to remove it altogether. The comments are still stored on their side and can
be exported.
How do I make my own playlists?
You need to be using a mouse to create and manage playlists. This cannot be done on a mobile
device (although you can enjoy your existing playlists there). Also, you must of course be
logged in.
The annex box has the basic instructions: Playlists
Published playlists appear further up in the root and can be seen by everyone (even those that
are not logged in) but you're still the only one that may edit it. When you enter a public
playlist, you can see who made it.
What are those options in the top left drop-down box?
Why can't I see the right text area on mobile devices?
That's by design, actually. Only the player pane is supposed to be visible on mobile devices
because of the limited screen space. This right text area is only really available for desktop
Can you add a playlist randomizer?
You can achieve the same thing by selecting the Shuffle option in the sort
drop-down box.
Can I search for a range of ratings?
Yes, if you type e.g. 3- for a search for ratings, you will get a list of all the
SID tunes and folders you have rated three stars or more. If you type 1-, you will
see all of your ratings.
The annex box can show you a list of all the search options: Searching
Can I turn voices on and off?
Yes. Use keys 1, 2, 3
and 4 or alternatively q, w, e and
r. The first three are for the normal SID voices and the fourth is for toggling any
digi stuff (WebSid (Legacy) emulator only).
If you want to "solo" a voice, hold down Shift while pressing the hotkey.
In the piano view, you can also click the green number buttons.
Any other hotkeys worth knowing about?
The annex box can show you a complete list: Hotkeys
If you hold down Shift while clicking rating stars, you will clear them. (However,
it's usually easier just to click the same star again if you want to clear the rating.)
Why doesn't this work in Internet Explorer?
The audio handlers all use an API called Web Audio which is
not supported by Internet Explorer.
You need a modern web browser to use this site.
Why can't I see the load/end addresses and size of the SID tune?
Actually, you can. The annex box has the answer: Memory bar
What URL parameters are available?
The annex box can show you a complete list: URL parameters
JSIDPlay2 has been changed to WebAssembly and it should now be fast enough to play stereo tunes on mobile devices.
It should play at least 40% faster.
November 8, 2024
A new SID handler with WebUSB support for USBSID-Pico has been added to Hermit's emulator by LouD.
Note that WebUSB can be quite demanding resource wise.
October 19, 2024
Fixed sid model and clock speed info flags not always showing the correct information.
October 13, 2024
Ratings stars for a song are now shown in the info box too, so you can see and rate the song even when you have browsed away from it.
The collection version number has been moved down above the sundry box.
Fixed an UTF-8 issue due to an update on CSDb. All CSDb pages should display properly again.
September 28, 2024
A new tag group type for events has been created. These tags have a green color and are shown before all other tag types.
They are used for events such as demo parties. The event name always come first, then optionally "Compo"
which can then optionally be followed by the ranking such as "Winner" and "#1" to "#9" tags.
August 4, 2024
Fixed temporary emulating testing (hotkey "l") not playing the uploaded tune when clicked.
July 25, 2024
Added the CSDb music competitions related to HVSC #81.
July 21, 2024
The "Compo", "Winner" and "#1" to "#9" tags now always huddle together in a logical manner.
July 20, 2024
The sundry tab for stereo is now also available for JSIDPlay2. Here you can set sliders for balance and delay,
change the stereo mode, and toggle fake stereo along with the SID chip to read from.
You can now hit the BACKSPACE key to go back to the parent folder.
July 18, 2024
Fixed main volume not being remembered when refreshing the site.
July 17, 2024
Advanced settings has been added in the settings tab. Its contents will depend on the SID handler chosen. There
are only advanced settings for JSIDPlay2 to begin with.
Moved the buffer size in the settings tab into the new section for advanced settings.
Added some advanced settings for the JSIDPlay2 emulator – default emulation (reSID or reSIDfp) and
sampling method (Decimate or Resample), plus a ton of filter names for 6581 and 8580 chips.
Selecting a different SID handler now always refreshes the site, instead of just a select few. To make up for this, the tab
you're in is remembered every time you change the SID handler.
All new files in HVSC #81 are now connected to CSDb entries.
July 15, 2024
Fixed a bug when refreshing the site while using other SID handlers than WebSid HQ, Legacy or reSID.
July 14, 2024
Added a SID handler for another reSID emulator, this time 'WebSidPlay' by Jürgen Wothke (called 'reSID' here
to avoid confusion). It's a port of libsidplayfp
and is only 30% slower than WebSid HQ, making it a great choice for excellent emulation.
The new reSID handler is in BETA and still have the following issues:
Reading the digi type and rate is not supported yet.
Reading the SID registers is slow on big buffer sizes and only supports 1SID.
The oscilloscope is not supported yet.
Showing the PAL/NTSC and 6581/8580 flags is not ready yet.
Advanced reSID settings are not available.
For 2SID and 3SID tunes, the visuals only show the first SID chip.
Exotic SID tunes (4SID and more) are not supported.
Another emulator button for the new reSID emulator has been added in the visuals tab.
Added logic for disabling view buttons (piano, graph, etc.) when a SID handler doesn't support it.
All three emulators by Jürgen Wothke (WebSid HQ, WebSid Legacy and reSID) now share a new and streamlined script player.
DeepSID has been overhauled accordingly to support this.
The scopes for WebSid HQ and WebSid Legacy have been significantly improved, using a new channel streamer script.
Setting a specific buffer size for the scope to work is no longer necessary.
A bug has been fixed in a player script for WebSid HQ. Now the visuals are perfectly synchronized.
July 6, 2024
Upgraded the JSIDPlay2 emulator. An "open" method has been renamed to fix a bug in DeepSID that prevented
certain links to PlayMOD and CShellDB from working, as well as the "p" hotkey for opening a tiny DeepSID.
Fixed the tune timer not keeping up when using fast forward in JSIDPlay2.
Fixed when the tags line for a SID row was not reappearing after showing a loading spinner.
Added composer profiles for the new folders in HVSC #81.
June 29, 2024
Fixed a bug where the piano visuals would appear in the other tabs.
June 28, 2024
Upgraded the JSIDPlay2 emulator. It now has tune length events.
Stopping a tune with JSIDPlay2 now kills the worker thread to save on mobile battery power.
Changed the logic for the loading spinner when using JSIDPlay2. It now clears earlier than before.
The visuals tab is now turned off as default for JSIDPlay2, to save on CPU time.
June 22, 2024
Added a SID handler for JSIDPlay2.
This uses the renowned reSID engine and offers excellent emulation, but it's also considerably
more demanding. You need a powerful CPU to run this one. Only the playback and visuals are supported in this "BETA" update.
Support for stereo and filter presets are coming in a later update.
Because of the new SID handler, an ON/OFF toggle button has been added in the visuals tab. If your CPU is having trouble making the
playback sound coherent, try turning the visuals off. This may especially be helpful with digi, 2SID and 3SID tunes. Turning the visuals
off not only saves time on having to update this, it also turns off SID register output in the JSIDPlay2 emulator.
Fixed tags not being removed too when a loading spinner is shown in a SID row.
Buffer size is now unique for each of the emulators supported by the visuals tab.
May 16, 2024
Hermit's emulator is now capable of playing back SID+FM files. These are SID files combined with
FM emulation and have been accomplished by using either the SFX Sound Expander or the FM-YAM
cartridge. Thank you to Thomas Jansson (tubesockor) for this update.
A new SID+FM subfolder has been created in the SID Happens folder.
You can only enter this subfolder when you have selected the Hermit's (+FM) SID handler in the top left drop-down box.
It's possible to upload new files to this subfolder, but they must of course be of the SID+FM type or they will be deleted.
January 6, 2024
Added the CSDb music competitions related to HVSC #80.
December 27, 2023
All new files in HVSC #80 are now connected to CSDb entries.
Added composer profiles for the new folders in HVSC #80.
December 1, 2023
Thomas Jansson has extended the ASID support. It now supports up to 3 SID chips and multispeed,
as well as SID+FM songs (uses OPL registers according to SFX Sound Expander and FM-YAM). To use
multispeed or multiple SID, a Turbo MIDI interface (like Elektron TM-1) is needed
to utilize the higher than normal MIDI-bandwidth.
October 11, 2023
Fixed a blanking issue by removing the GB64 tab entirely. This tab previously received game information from
the GameBase64 web site. However, the web site was relocated lately due to the recent demise of the previous
web administrator, and the new web location caused DeepSID to show a blank page.
July 23, 2023
The Copy Link menu item on the right-click context menu now includes a URL parameter for
showing the CSDb tab instead of the default profile tab.
July 22, 2023
Added the CSDb music competitions related to HVSC #79.
July 15, 2023
All new files in HVSC #79 are now connected to CSDb entries.
July 2, 2023
The main volume slider setting is now remembered between browser sessions.
Removed a typing throttle for checking if the user name already exists. Hopefully this prevents automatic login
mechanisms from submitting before this check has been performed by DeepSID.
Creating a new playlist will now show a dialog box where you can rename it on the fly.
Added composer profiles for the new folders in HVSC #79.
June 11, 2023
A new SID handler for ASID (MIDI) has been implemented by Thomas Jansson. You can use this handler to play SID music
on MIDI devices such as SidStation, TherapSID, Midibox SID and C64 (using Station64).
June 10, 2023
Fixed the 6581 button not being clickable when selecting the filter sundry tab.
June 8, 2023
DeepSID now only uses HTTPS. HTTP will automatically be redirected to HTTPS.
The profile page for Compute's Gazette SID Collection now shows a standard page instead of the site itself.
This is better anyway since year data has been added to all songs in the collection.
April 18, 2023
The Discord server for DeepSID has been deleted. See this annex box for alternatives: Social links
April 13, 2023
Almost all groups now have profile images.
Added the group sidDivers along with a profile image for them as well.
Credits are no longer hidden for music releases in the CSDb tab.
April 12, 2023
A recommended box for a group now properly states it's a group with members, not a folder with songs.
March 11, 2023
A folder REST API call now also show all of its subfolders.
New SID handler Lemon's MP3 Files has been added which plays MP3 files recorded from JSIDPlay2,
courtesy of Kim Lemon at the Lemon64 web site. Only tunes from
High Voltage SID Collection are supported for now.
Added composer profiles for the new folders in HVSC #78.
December 11, 2022
Deleted the exotic sub folder with duplicated 2SID tunes as you can adjust the stereo yourself in the sundry
tab added back in October. Deleting the folder means less maintenance on my part.
November 6, 2022
All stereo panning is now reset to center when selecting the WebSid (HQ) emulator.
October 22, 2022
The stereo settings are now retained across songs and subtunes.
Stereo is now also turned off per default to save on CPU time. As soon as you drag one of the stereo sliders,
it is automatically turned on in the "Enhance off" mode.
Fixed a bug that messed up the layout of the stereo tab in certain web browsers, like Safari on Apple devices.
October 21, 2022
The stereo mode now defaults to "Enhance off" when clicking new songs.
October 18, 2022
Upgraded the WebSid (HQ) emulator. Fixed a stereo initialization issue.
October 16, 2022
Upgraded the WebSid (HQ) emulator. Added pseudo-stereo support. The volume has been lowered to allow for this feature –
make sure you turn it up a bit.
A new sundry tab has been added which makes use of the stereo feature of the new WebSid (HQ) emulator.
There's a panning slider for each voice, for up to three SID chips. Each slider also show oscilloscope output,
which makes it easier to find the slider you want to tweak as the music plays.
If you drag the stereo tab bigger, there are a few controls for the entire stereo feature. To be absolutely
honest, I can't personally hear any difference when using the headphones checkbox nor the reverb slider. They came with
the Google library that the WebSid programmer used, and it's possible they do not affect SID at all.
September 24, 2022
A recommended box can now sometimes be a playlist spotlight.
August 21, 2022
Clicking a sundry tab that is already active now collapses the box. This works no matter what device you're using,
but it's actually meant to give mobile devices a way to free up more vertical space.
The profile options for uploading to the SH folder are now without the "HVSC/MUSICIANS" part. This makes it possible
to find people faster, e.g. by typing the letter folder.
August 19, 2022
Upgraded script processor and scope scripts used by WebSid (HQ) emulator. This should fix scope issues.
August 6, 2022
When uploading to the SH folder, the drop-down box with composers now contains two lists.
The first is active composers only and the second is everyone. This should make
it easier to select a common composer.
July 31, 2022
Fixed the remix tab not showing any entries at all.
July 19, 2022
Added a URL switch for activating a mini-player mode. The browser, page, login and two of the sundry tabs
are not available in this mode. Use &mini=1 for use in an "invisible" folder where the Prev/Next buttons
still work, or use &mini=2 where only the specified tune can be played. To see what other URL switches
could be nice to use, just run the URL without specifying the ?file= switch.
You can now also search for the SID type. Choose Type and then type e.g. "rsid" then search.
July 11, 2022
Added the CSDb music competitions related to HVSC #77.
In the piano view, the colors of the keys are now affected by the entire ADSR envelope output.
Fixed a bug that showed the same search results multiple times if performed fast in rapid succession.
July 10, 2022
Upgraded the WebSid (HQ) emulator. The piano view now makes use of a new feature in it to fade out its
keys depending on the ADSR envelope output of the voices.
July 9, 2022
Upgraded the WebSid (HQ) emulator. See below for what this version brings.
The piano view now always run at full speed in WebSid (HQ) mode regardless of the buffer size.
The scopes are now always available in WebSid (HQ) mode regardless of the buffer size.
Fixed MEMO and STATS views not working anymore. Both now also operate at 60 hz. Note that the MEMO view
doesn't really make use of it since Jürgen's update only covers the SID registers.
July 3, 2022
Wrote and ran a script to update the file counts of the GROUPS member folders.
The 13 new 2SID files in HVSC #77 (i.e. that uses 6 voices) has now been added as
exotic stereo files.
Fixed a bug that prevented the specific search query "summer" from returning any results.
July 2, 2022
Upgraded the WebSid (HQ) emulator. Added API for specific SID instance access, cleaned up digi-related scope handling, rolled back
flawed CIA performance optimization and flawed COUNTER_PERIOD improvement.
Note that the scopes now include digi output when a voice-specific digi technique is used. Normal $D418 digi is exclusively shown
in the fourth scope output. Remember to use a buffer size of 16384 to see the scopes.
Fixed a bug when displaying data from additional SID chips in the piano view.
All new files in HVSC #77 are now connected to CSDb entries.
Fixed an inversion problem in the ASCII graphics of certain CGSC songs.
March 13, 2022
The dark blue chunk in the memory bar is now slightly darker in the dark color scheme.
Improved how hotkeys are ignored when using all kinds of text input controls.
March 12, 2022
Fixed a bug where group folders were also a profile choice when uploading to the SH folder.
Changed how tags slide to the left when hovering on them. Instead of just sliding the line of tags
to the left edge, the line now slides far enough for the plus button to be visible.
All composer profiles with a CSDb page now have a composer link that goes to that page.
March 8, 2022
Upgraded the WebSid (HQ) emulator. Added a hack for Wacek's version of 4 Non Blondes.
February 27, 2022
Upgraded the WebSid (HQ) emulator. Added specific handling of Mahoney digi and fixed 6581/8580 toggle bug.
February 26, 2022
Fixed ADSR values shown in the wrong order in the new stats view.
February 20, 2022
Added solo buttons for each voice in the stats view.
February 19, 2022
A new stats view button has been added in the visuals tab. This mode shows what is being used
in the SID chip, both in real-time (red dots) and in total over time (checkmarks).
January 30, 2022
The screen, BASIC ROM and KERNEL ROM areas can now be vaguely seen in the memory bar.
Fixed competition folders not working properly.
January 29, 2022
Removed the link for reporting a profile change. Nobody was using it and it clashed with long names.
January 23, 2022
Rewrote the way the annex box appears contextually upon page reload. If the URL is not for a playlist
but has a profile that may show composer links, there is a good chance these may be shown instead of tips.
Groups no longer appear in the page with recommended folders.
The CSDb tab now shows a release page if it's the only release for that song anyway.
January 22, 2022
Groups no longer appear in the list of game composers in the bottom of the root page.
January 16, 2022
More GROUPS have been added the past few days, for a total of 54 groups.
Groups can now have avatar images. The avatar images for groups in MUSICIANS have been added.
January 13, 2022
Added the CSDb music competitions related to HVSC #76.
January 9, 2022
Fixed folders in GROUPS not being able to load directly or refresh.
Fixed a bug that caused GROUPS folders to be shown in one of the top 10 lists.
Added a ton of GROUPS entries, for a total of 18 groups.
January 8, 2022
Improved the detection of 2SID and 3SID tunes for the PIANO view.
An unofficial GROUPS folder has now been added in the root of the HVSC folder. Each group folder in it
has a collection of member folders. These folders actually redirect to a MUSICIANS folder, and if you
browse back one folder from there, you will automatically be brought back to the original GROUPS subfolder again.
All new files in HVSC #76 are now connected to CSDb entries.
January 1, 2022
The avatar images for the three big lists in the bottom of the root page are back. They are now
loaded in a deferred manner to avoid bogging down the site.
December 31, 2021
All the SID files uploaded to the SH folder this year has now been moved into a 2021 sub folder.
External links pointing to the root SH folder now redirects to the new year folder.
December 30, 2021
Improved the default search query to also look for the real names of composers. For example, a
search for Thomas will now also return folders such as those for DRAX, Laxity, etc.
December 28, 2021
The 8 new 2SID files in HVSC #76 (i.e. that uses 6 voices) has now been added as
exotic stereo files.
Upgraded the WebSid (HQ) emulator. A hack (not a real fix) has been implemented that allows it to play
Adam Morton's problematic Synthmeld.sid song.
The STIL report link now only appears inside the HVSC folder structure.
Superfluous URL switches are now discarded when going back one folder, to the root, or changing folder.
December 25, 2021
Added composer profiles for the new folders in HVSC #76.
Improved when the folder button for tags in the sundry box is actually supposed to be visible.
December 12, 2021
If the annex box is showing external composer links, it is now automatically refreshed when
another composer profile page is shown.
The list of external links for a composer is now sorted alphabetically.
December 11, 2021
You can now add external links to a composer profile. Click the new link in the line with the star ratings to
open these in the annex box. All users logged in are free to add, edit and delete these links.
November 29, 2021
In the tips pages for the annex box, all search links are now performed without refreshing the site.
Also, a tag in the tips pages about these can now be clicked to search for it.
November 27, 2021
Improved the handling of how the STIL tab is named, depending on the context.
The STIL tab is now called Notes whenever a file from the SH folder is played.
November 24, 2021
Changed the logic of showing the filter settings depending on 6581 chip mode. The controls are
now disabled instead of invisible, and the chip mode button has been placed next to the tab.
November 23, 2021
Fixed not being able to alternate between WebSid (HQ) and WebSid (Legacy) properly.
Various filter settings can now be adjusted in a new filter tab in the sundry box. You need
to be using the WebSid (HQ) emulator for this, and the file needs to be in 6581 chip mode.
November 20, 2021
The default 6581 filter for WebSid (HQ) has now been set to R2, which is much brighter than the previous R4.
The vertical scrollbar should no longer appear in some web browsers, such as e.g. Firefox.
Hitting p to pop-up a tiny DeepSID now opens it in mobile mode, although it's still using WebSid (HQ).
Overhauled the FAQ page with links to tips in the annex box, to avoid duplicate information.
November 18, 2021
Upgraded the WebSid (HQ) emulator. It has a new filter implementation for the 6581 version, and the
centering of the scopes has been fixed.
Added a new ?notips=1 URL switch to avoid showing the annex box with tips.
November 16, 2021
Created an annex box in the void area to the right where random tips can now be seen. The tips in the STIL
box are no longer shown. Click the corner icon for a list of the annex tips you can choose from.
November 14, 2021
Fixed a bug that stopped autoplaying if the subtune was shorter than one second.
Thank you for spotting that one, Andreas Wallström. Try Jason Brooke's
Out Run
or David Whittaker's Paddle Mania as examples.
November 7, 2021
Fixed a bug that showed the folder button in the tags sundry box when it wasn't supposed to be.
Removed redundant debug code that I never really used anyway.
October 30, 2021
Removed the top line for CShellDB and PlayMOD, and instead added an invite link for Discord.
Fixed a bug that enabled the visuals tab when entering the SH folder while using the
YouTube SID handler.
Fixed empty drop-down box when entering the competitions folder.
Added a magenta color strip for SidTracker64 tunes.
Search shortcuts now show a small magnifying glass inside of their folder icons.
October 24, 2021
Overhauled how sticky sorting of SID files is handled. This also fixed a bug where a SID row
was not marked by an external link if sorting by anything other than name.
A recommended box in the root page now sometimes advertise for my other site,
October 23, 2021
The Open Graph title for a SID file in the SH folder should now
show the proper composer name (or handle) and title, instead of just the filename.
External links to a SID file that shows an avatar image now also add a small play icon in the
bottom right corner of this image, to make it clear that clicking the link will play it.
October 22, 2021
If the composer of a SID file specified in an external link has an avatar image, this will now be
displayed instead of the default play image. This also works in the SH folder.
October 18, 2021
Songs with more than one subtune now always maintain the relevant switch in the URL, regardless
of what number it is. This should fix the issue where the first subtune can't be played from an
external link.
October 13, 2021
Sorting a folder with SID files (other than the SH folder) is now sticky.
Fixed a bug that made the sort options in the SH folder sticky for other folders.
October 9, 2021
It is now possible to proceed to the next subtune after saving video links. Just mark the checkbox
(and optionally adjust the subtune number in the drop-down box) in the bottom left corner of the dialog box.
SID names are now prefixed with a tiny icon (with three horizontal lines) whenever there's a STIL text entry.
September 25, 2021
In the video links dialog box, the corner link for opening multiple search tabs now
search directly in the four specific channels. This should yield more precise results.
Small color strips can now be seen in the beginning of SID rows for certain specific player
types. GoatTracker is gray, NewPlayer is green, Sid-Wizard is cyan, SID Factory II is blue,
and DMC is yellow.
September 24, 2021
Fixed a bug that in rare cases mixed data from multiple composers when showing both the
chart with active years and the bars with players used.
It is no longer possible to mark and select folders as well as context menu options.
If you want to copy a folder name, enter it and copy it from the URL box instead.
September 18, 2021
Removed the avatar images from the three big lists in the bottom of the root page, as the loading
of these images bogged down the site too much. With more space available, the full names of the
composers are now shown instead of the slightly shortened versions.
September 17, 2021
Added a new ?cover=1 URL switch to force showing the auto-play cover overlay upon refresh.
The ?wait=X switch is now sticky when specified in the URL.
September 16, 2021
Changed the ?wait=X URL switch to now wait X number of milliseconds
before stopping.
DeepSID now waits up to 10 seconds for a YouTube channel tab to start playing its video. If it
doesn't and there are more channel tabs, it will try the next one instead. (If it was the last tab,
it will try the first one.)
September 12, 2021
Added a corner link in the video links dialog box for opening multiple search tabs at once.
September 8, 2021
The dialog box for editing video links now discard rows with an empty video ID.
September 5, 2021
The video ID in the dialog box for editing video links now accept the time offset parameter.
For example, typing Gro7n1oqHUo?t=63 will start the video 63 seconds later.
September 3, 2021
Searching for YouTube videos now also include the name of the author.
Opening the dialog box for editing video links now always offer three commonly used
channel options.
August 31, 2021
Added a new ?wait=1 URL switch for selecting a specific song but not play it yet.
August 29, 2021
A new SID handler for YouTube videos has been added. You can select it in the top left
drop-down box. Note that only SID rows that have video links are enabled. Since this is a new
feature in DeepSID, there are of course an abundance of disabled rows for now. More video
links will be added over time.
Most of the the standard DeepSID controls will control a YouTube video. You can even
click somewhere in the time progress bar to jump to another spot in the video.
A dialog box has been added for editing video links. To open it, right-click a SID row
(disabled or not) and choose Edit YouTube Links. You can add up to five tabs with
YouTube video links for the same song or subtune, and you can also choose which one should
be the default tab when a SID row is clicked.
August 15, 2021
All scrollable areas now use the default web browser scrollbar. The custom scrollbar
jQuery plugin has been removed completely. Thanks
for years of service back when the default scrollbars were crude.
August 13, 2021
The browser pane with folders and files now uses a thin version of the default web
browser scrollbar instead of the custom scrollbar jQuery plugin.
August 6, 2021
Fixed search for competition folders showing incorrect results.
Removed the search shortcut for game composers. Apart from not being able to show all
tunes in one big list before hitting the search cap, the new big list in the root page
also makes the search shortcut redundant.
It is no longer possible to search for search shortcuts.
August 5, 2021
The root page now shows three big lists in the bottom – one for active composers
(that made music this year), procrastinators (made music last year) and all professional
game composers. The two first lists for this and last year may have a few "noise" entries
in them because of the way HVSC adds old tunes as new releases. I'll see what I can do
to iron these out over time.
Added the CSDb music competitions related to HVSC #75.
August 2, 2021
All new files in HVSC #75 are now connected to CSDb entries.
August 1, 2021
Fixed a bug where the table cell with star ratings was sometimes pushed too small.
Improved the handling of pretty player names which fixed a few odd adaptations of the tiny ones.
The pretty player names for JCH's NewPlayer series now also show if the tune is unpacked.
On CSDb release pages, all download links for PRG files now also offer an alternative C64 link.
The file is exactly the same, only the extension is different. The advantage is that you can
associate it with an offline emulator such as VICE and run it directly from your web browser.
This is not always possible with PRG files.
Fixed a bug that sometimes added commas in the copyright field when uploading tunes.
Improved the handling of copyright year when uploading tunes.
July 31, 2021
Added three search shortcuts in the first level of the HVSC folder:
A search shortcut for multispeed finds all tags with "Multispeed" or "2x" and up to "16x" speeds.
A search shortcut for multisid finds all "2SID", "3SID", "4SID", "8SID" and "10SID" tunes.
A search shortcut for game composers finds all soundtracks from popular game composers.
July 20, 2021
You can now also search for the files added in the latest HVSC update by someone. Choose
Latest and then type the name to do this. If you want to be certain that only a
specific composer is matched, add a slash in the end. For example, "tomas/" will only show
hits for Danko. Append e.g. ",72" for that HVSC version.
A new type of folder item called a search shortcut has been added to DeepSID. This
has been used inside the first level folder of HVSC to search for new stuff in the latest
five HVSC updates.
The second search shortcut for folders is a special search that lists folders in HVSC (mostly by composers)
that contains files added in the latest HVSC update. Each folder shown in the search results
are actually new search shortcuts. Clicking one shows only those new files.
July 17, 2021
The cover overlay for auto-playing a tune is no longer shown if not necessary.
July 13, 2021
The 4 new 2SID files in HVSC #75 (i.e. that uses 6 voices) has now been added as
exotic stereo files.
Added composer profiles for the new folders in HVSC #75.
June 26, 2021
Upgraded the WebSid (HQ) emulator. Updated noise-WF implementation (with combined-WF handling)
and floating-WF handling. Check Soundcheck.sid
and Cubase64.sid to hear these improvements.
May 13, 2021
The GB64 tab is now available in the SH folder as I may add links there to new game soundtracks.
May 2, 2021
Imported the new GameBase64 collection v17 with new game entries and screenshots.